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Charity in America

Marketplace draws attention to charitable giving in America.

One point that is put forth so well is that most of the giving by the wealthy is done toward culture: libraries, museums, universities etc which is really an investment for their children in the future what's known as affirmative action for "legacies."

So the question is should the tax deduction be the same as say a donation to the Red Cross? Should the tax laws be amended to that effect?

It turns out, in fact, that only an estimated 10 percent of all charitable deductions(approx 200 Billion) this year will be directed at the poor. Now that tells you something.

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Made for Adsense sites

Made for Adsense websites or MFA are a by product of the popular Google's Adsense program which pays publishers everytime a visitor to a website clicks on an ad displayed on the website.

This has spawned a huge generation of scrapper sites - sites which have no original content and the purpose of which is to only drive traffic to the site so that the visitors will inadvertenly click on the ads in turn generating revenue for the website owners.

The problem however is that these sites are diluting the search results by providing users with inaccurate results while surfing. In a sense they are the equivalent of spam but of a different kind.

Well the guys at have compiled a list of such MFA websites. Check it out.

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The Best Products of 2006

Business Week has this neat slideshow of the best products in 2006 .
Among the products mentioned are the Tesla Roadster and the Mazda CX-7.
The pic above is of a Honda bike that has an in built air bag. Check out the slideshow

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