
impressions on my mind coasting through life's journey...

Super Bowl Ads

The Super Bowl is not only an event for sports but also can change the fortunes of television networks because broadcasting it is a commercially viable proposition.

This year the each spot went for $2.6 million link

But enough of that, for those who missed the ads or want to see them again

Here is a link and another. Enjoy!!!

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Winmerge : A boon for windows developers

If you need to compare documents/files on unix its easy is it not but try windows and you are left searching for answers.

But I found the answer to this problem, the best utility software that I have used is WinMerge.

This is really amazing what it can do. It displays the different lines in different colors so its very easy to check what is different.

And it can also compare two different directories and sort the files based on identical, different etc. This really makes life easier for a programmer.

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Somebody clicked off during the making itself

Imagine being able to control everything in your life from a dog's bark to your wife's argument. Novel concept and fun is it not?
The Click started out really nice and at one point you begin to wonder why this movie was a flop but wait a little longer and you will know why.
Every now and then you a great story but they don’t know where to take it and how it should end. I guess creating the perfect climax is in itself the art of movie making

Adam Sandler did good in the first half and then the script was too much to carry through the rest of the second half , it just fowarded 10 yrs, 20 yrs into the future. It looks like the filmmakers just gave up on the script. May be they had finance troubles or who knows what but they ended up fast fowarding the story to the ending pretty quickly.

And in the end it turns out it was all a dream, somebody clicked off!!! It was a real let down.

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