
impressions on my mind coasting through life's journey...

Al Gore's Million Dollar Makeover

Not long ago, he was the butt of jokes--lockbox, earth tones, a postelection beard. Then he dusted off an old slide show and jumped with both feet into the private sector. The untold story of how an epic loser engineered what may be the greatest brand makeover of our time.

What no one is talking about is that he has also become a stunningly
successful businessman--and that has fueled his comeback. Since his nonelection,
Gore has become a millionaire many times over, bringing him, in financial terms,
shoulder to shoulder with the C-suite denizens he used to hit up for campaign
cash. In addition to the steady flow of six-figure speaking gigs, he has become
an insider at two of the hottest companies on the planet: at Google
(NASDAQ:GOOG), where he signed on as an adviser in 2001, pre-IPO (and received
stock options now reportedly worth north of $30 million), and at Apple
(NASDAQ:AAPL), where he joined the board in 2003 (and got stock options now
valued at about $6 million). He enjoyed a big payday as vice chairman of an
investment firm in L.A., and, more recently, started a cable-television company
and an asset-management firm, both of which are becoming quiet forces in their

Truly amazing story of a turnaround in contemporary times.

Link : Fastcompany

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