
impressions on my mind coasting through life's journey...

Bend it like Beckham

That's what one wished one could do when a Beckham free kick in the 3rd min of the game between ENG v/s PAR landed in the net , only to see the replays and realise that it was an own goal by one of the defenders. England did not really play like someone who could raise the cup.

Now while the whole world is tuned in to the World Cup, there's hardly a flutter in the US about it. Patrix throws some light on why Americans don't get it.

Coming back to Beckham, there was movie by the same title as this post.

I always wondered, why Parminder Nagra, even after a great performance, had to contend with just being on ER. But the second lead, Keira Knightley's career just took of from there.
It's just shows how difficult it still is for an actor who is non-white to make it big in Hollywood.

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