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Of Competitive eating and monstrous appetites

Competitive eating involves the consumption of large quantities of food in a short time period – typically 12 minutes or less. The type of food varies, although contests are primarily focused on fast food or dessert, items are almost always a single type of food such as hot dogs, pie, or mayonnaise.

You would be surprised,I know I was, to know that there is an International Federation of Cometitive Eating. Check out their list of eating contests.

More recently in the news was the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest.

A 160-pound wonder from Japan set a record by devouring a sickening 53¾ frankfurters in 12 minutes to win the annual Independence Day hot dog eating competition on Coney Island.

The win means the coveted Mustard Yellow Belt will return to Japan for the ninth year out of the past 10. New Jersey's Steve Keiner, who won in 1999, is the only American to capture the title in the past decade.

Kobayashi, of Nagano, stands 5 feet 7 inches and weighs just 144 pounds.

Amit draws attention to Rappai who is regular at eating competitions, he ate 700 idlis in one sitting in Kasargod and gobbled up 10 kg halwa in 10 minutes in Thalasserry, records are aplenty.

Among his many exploits include this story:

Once college students took sweet revenge on a restaurateur with Rappai’s help. He took an “unlimited meals” coupon and emptied the day’s food -- three buckets full of rice, one bucket of fish curry and 10 kg cooked meat -- in no time. Finally, law-enforcers had to be called in to end his sumptuous feast.

I wonder if you were to make these two guys compete with one another, what would be the test. Would that be comparing apples and oranges or in this case hotdogs and idlis?

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