Friends at work you should not ignore
0 Comments Published by C.G. on Monday, August 27, 2007 at 1:03 PM.

In terms of friends, you might think the most important people are your team members and sucking up to the boss, but there are a few key people who are often ignored and could make your job easier.
These mission critical people are the ones you should be sucking up to...the receptionist, IT support, the mail guy, and the maintenance guy. When you have these people on your side, suddenly life is good.
And if they don't happen to like you...well, life can suck.
Wired's How To Wiki has some advice on who are the people at work you can't afford not to be friendly with.
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How to deal with a boss you don't get along with
0 Comments Published by C.G. on Friday, August 24, 2007 at 8:09 AM.

"No matter how skilled you are, if you don't have a good relationship with your boss, your job is not secure," warns Shapiro. After all, your boss is the person who determines whether or not you'll get the raise, the promotion and that corner office you've had your eye on. And guess what: if your boss doesn't think you're on the team, you probably won't get any of it.
So how can you overcome your natural aversion to being told what to do? The trick is to treat your boss like a client, says Shapiro. Pretend like you're in business for yourself and that your boss is your most important (and quite possibly your most difficult) client.
Marshall Leob has some excellent advice on creating the right relationship with your boss.
Via Don't treat your boss like the enemy
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I walked in for my interview with Amitabh Bachchan with a thumping heart. Would my hero live up to my expectations? Through my growing up years, I had lived in his shadow. I had cried with Vijay, I had sung with Anthony, I had ridden down dusty streets on a rickety bicycle convinced that I too was the angry young man facing a heartless world.
There he was, this handsome rebel, without family, without godfathers, without privileges. Always on the side of the poor, always the coolie, the lovable gangster, the brooding cop or the lonely alcoholic and yet it was he who won in the end, it was he who triumphed over those with money and wealth. Amitabh was more than even a hero, he was a moral statement, in his suffering eyes I saw the storms of my own heart. Amitabh? Amitabh was it.
Bhupendra like many Amitabh fans, tries to come to terms with an Amitabh of the 70's, a celluoid hero versus Big B the brand today who is still very affable in person
Via - Jai, my hero, is dead, Amitabh is alive
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Gmail or Yahoo Mail security tips
0 Comments Published by C.G. on Wednesday, August 15, 2007 at 12:34 PM.

If you are using web-based email such as Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail a word of caution they can be hacked into using the IP Address and user name (login) without requiring any password.
So whats the solution - always use a secure login.
For Gmail make sure you use instead of
For Yahoo! Mail - Check the Secure Mode link that's available just beneath the "Sign In" button.
Labels: security, tech, web-based email
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Cool ways to use Google better
0 Comments Published by C.G. on Saturday, August 04, 2007 at 9:05 PM.

I found this great post on how to use Google better.
Here are some gems :
- To search a face in google images add &imgtype=face to the end of the URL address.
- Adding the label site fetches you great stuff from social networking sites. e.g. site: free "images"
- If you want to check out a site by its images add the label site: e.g. site:wired to the URL
Check out the rest of the rest of the tricks here.
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