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Donate Rice by playing a word game

At, you can "donate" 10 grains of rice to the needy simply by choosing the right answer to a word definition problem. Each correct answer results in another donation is the creation of 49-year-old American computer programmer John Breen, and is the sister site of, launched in January 2007 with a counter showing one person dying of hunger every 3.5 seconds. Breen is no stranger to such programs, having created The Hunger Site in June 1999.

As to who foots the bill for the food being donated, the site says: "The rice is paid for by the advertisers whose names you see on the bottom of your vocabulary screen." As more people play the game, the site racks up more advertising revenue, which in turn is converted into food donations for the hungry.

Via : Urban Legends Reference Page

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Easy Disposable Email

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