
impressions on my mind coasting through life's journey...

How an IT guy became a script writer

The interesting thing about Jaideep is that at no point does he say,"I always wanted to write Bollywood films." But he did take different bends in the road which eventually led him there.

Firstly, he quit the engineering-IT way of life pretty early to do 'something creative' - in advertising. I am sure when he made that leap of faith he would have suffered a temporary loss of income (trainee copywriters are never paid as much as IT types!).

When he stumbled upon scriptwriting, he pursued it. And became a student without a 'teacher'. The vast resources of the internet are available to all of us, but how many use them in the way he did?
Then, at some point Jaideep quit advertising to work independently

Rashmi Bansal has a great post on Jaideep Sahni the script writer of Chak de India, Khosla ka Ghosla & Company.

Here are Jaideep's interviews in the Sunday Express and India FM

Via - Chuck de, India

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