Mentos and the Diet Coke sensation
0 Comments Published by C.G. on Wednesday, June 14, 2006 at 11:59 AM.

Ever since the VCR was invented, home videos have been en vogue, be it an occasion like a birthday party or simply creating a funny video . As the adage goes if you can get it on tape you can get in cash i.e. if your video gets selected to be the winner.
With the advent of youtube and google videos, however, there is no need for the videotape anymore, users can now upload, view & share videoclips on the web themselves.
So what does this have to do with mentos and diet coke. It's been recently discovered that popping a mento into a bottle of diet coke will cause a geyser several feet high. It's purely a chemical reaction. But videotaping this phenomenon and posting it on the web is all the rage today.
Tags : videos, internet
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