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Dial a Bar code, get the Best possible Price

Comparison shopping has come a long way from scouting bargains through friends, newspapers then came the internet and now this. If you're one of the millions of consumers dreading long hours in overcrowded malls while wondering if you could've found a better deal browsing the internet from the comfort of your own home, you're not alone. As this holiday season quickly approaches, consumers can count on Frucall, (1-888-DO-FRUCALL 1-888-363-7822, a free phone-based service that automatically finds the current, best online price for any product and instantly lets you hear it from any phone, anytime, anywhere.

Frucall offers helpful features like:
-- BuyNow - Frucall's new feature enables registered users to purchase items directly from merchants that they select
-- Bookmarks - Save and revisit previously looked up items for additional information whenever you want
-- Search History - Create a record of all previously searched items
-- Voice Notes - Easily leave voice reminders about a wish list, an upcoming sale or the location of a favorite item
-- Reminder Messages - Send short texts - at any date or time - as a reminder of shopping ideas, appointments, birthdays, anniversaries or meetings
-- Alerts - Be reminded when a product you have been shopping for reaches a certain price
-- Personal Greetings - For fun, record a personalized greeting that will be heard every time Frucall is visited for on the spot shopping assistance (via)

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