6 steps to stay private while you search
0 Comments Published by C.G. on Monday, August 21, 2006 at 9:56 AM.

After my post on the AOL debacle, EFF has some steps to keep your search history private.
- Don't put personally-identifying information in your searches, little keywords to leave an entire trail to you.
- Don't use a search engine operated by your ISP, that way you do not end up as AOL searcher no xyz (example)
- Don't log in to a search engine account such as GMail or Yahoo while searching
- Don't accept cookies from your search engine
- Use a separate browser or browser profile for search and for other activities.
- Use an anonymizing proxy, or proxy network like Tor, to prevent search engines from learning your IP address
If you are an AOL user spread the word.
Tags : search, internet, AOL, privacy
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