Pesticide cocktail in Coke, Pepsi
0 Comments Published by C.G. on Wednesday, August 02, 2006 at 5:37 PM.

Close on the heels of the film Corporate which has a plot of how companies in India would use their nexus with politicians and the government to sell soft drinks inspite of having pesticide content, comes this disclosure:
The Centre for Science and Environment on Wednesday came out with a fresh study claiming the presence of 'pesticide cocktail' in 11 brands of soft drink giants Coca Cola and PepsiCo, three years after the same brands were found to have contained pesticides.
The new findings, publicised after testing 57 samples of 11 soft drink brands of Coca Cola and PepsiCo collected from 25 manufacturing units across 12 states, claims that all the bottles examined were a "cocktail of 3-5 different pesticides" which was 24 times above the standards finalised by Bureau of Indian Standards. (link)
Is this a case of life imitating art imitating life, where ultimately the players behind the scenes divert the already short attention span of the general public, which could care less, to another issue while nothing is done about the actual problem. All that will remain are some headlines on yesterday's newspaper. May be 5-10 yrs down the line when it is proved that those drinks were the cause of some disease say cancer, who, if anyone will be held responsible, especially in a country where life is precious only if you are rich and connected.
Tags : corporate, india, life
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