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Even your butler is outsourced

Are you swamped by errands? Consider foisting your chores onto a valet in India or Ireland. It's like having your own Jeeves but Virtual.

David Sowsy of Dracut, Mass., hired GetFriday, in Bangalore, India, to help him catch up on his to-do list last fall. GetFriday assigned Sowsy an assistant, who revised his résumé, researched stock investments and comparison-shopped for wireless routers at online stores. Had Sowsy asked, the assistant would have bought the router using Sowsy's credit-card number. Overall, the cost for a month of requests was about $300. Concierge firms charge from $560 to $1,000 for 80 hours of work, depending on the firm and the complexity of your tasks. GetFriday charges $15 an hour, plus $10 a month. Irish outfit Corporate Services Group provides similar services at $12 an hour, using Irish and Indian workers to handle requests.(link)

Now is this not interesting. Everything that can be done via phone or online is done overseas. While a few years ago this was just for credit card companies to manage their customer service operations. Then came homework help from overseas.
Now this opens up a whole realm of opportunities to the truly innovative companies. If someone is willing to pay for a service, there will be a cheaper way to provide it, even if it means going half way round the world.

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