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How to recover a lost Windows password

If you are faced with a situation where in you inadvertently forgot your XP password or as in my case the toddler playing games on the pc manages to change it then this website is the answer to your prayers.
They recover the passwords for you for free if you are ready to wait for 48 hrs. If you want it earlier then you are charged a fee to reveal them immediately. I was skeptical but I thought might as well give it a shot before trying other options and must say they did come through.

Login Recovery is a service to reveal user names and recover passwords for Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003 and Longhorn. As long as you have physical access to the computer, your passwords can be recovered

By following three simple steps, over 98.5% of passwords can be recovered within less than ten minutes. This service does not overwrite passwords, it does not write anything to the hard drive, it does not alter the computer in any way. It simply reads the encrypted passwords for processing through our servers.

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