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The new Don

Farhan Akhtar's DON is not really what you expected of a remake,definitely not a tribute he said it was. First of all you want everyone to stay away from remaking something which was good in the first place. Yea sure they always re-make something which is a hit, like remaking a south indian film in hindi (boney kapoor style) or remaking Munna Bhai in all the south indian languages or lately Casino Royale (Come on does he look like a Bond- but let's leave that for a new post)

But Amitabh is something which cannot be copied easily infact almost "namumkin hai" said one ardent fan. And SRK (although I did like Swades and do respect the fact that he is the only megastar to rise from TV) and Farhan(Dil Chatha hai fame) should have stayed away from this one.

You can't replace the Bachchan baritone when he sits in a sauna but looks like a 'Don' with arguably not a base voice SRK.

Slick it is but you walk into the movie knowing the whole story and if he made D'souza instead of Malik the mole you can tell he is taking the director's license.

And as has already been said a million times Priya 'beauty queen' Chopra is no Zeenat Aman much less a clothes horse Arjun Rampal is Pran. Come one gimee a break if you are going to change the story why make poor Rampal lug the kid on his back on a steel tower (what's the rationale Akhtar?)

Hey but in all its faults there is this review which is totally positive- link

We already know the fate of the much touted 'Sholay' by RGV which is not really a Sholay becoz the Sippy's sued his pants off.

Stop the lousy remakes please let us live with our memories and the VCR.

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