
impressions on my mind coasting through life's journey...

World Cup fever

This is the title of the story that was emailed to me by my more than one of my friends. It talks about how a soccer crazy fan shows up for a world cup match even though his wife just passed away and he leaves his relatives to conduct her final rites.
While that might just be taking things too far, it does speak to the passion of soccer fans as was evident by how the English fans had descended into mourning after the loss of their favorite team. It was indeed a sad day for English fans, a deja vu, when their team's World Cup quest ended in defeat yet once again.
It was like a flashback just eight years ago, Wayne Rooney gets a red card, pretty much like a younger Beckham got one at that time, causing the full ire of the English fans to be directed toward him for a very long time. So the captain steps down tearfully, Beckham must feel that he has let his fans down once again.
England is never good at penalty shootouts as demonstrated just recently when they lost to Portugal in the European Championship quaterfinals a couple of years ago.

So having stars in its team did not do it for England, just as it did not do it for Brazil. Brazil, which was supposed to have the best team of players in a long while, just could not make it past France. While it did not help that nothing was going right for Ronaldinho, Kaka, Ronaldo and Co. ,their coach had to change their "magic quartet" to a formation that was different from which they began the 2006 quest.

So this makes it a European affair, and while it looks like France is in the finals facing either Germany or Italy but we you never know until the end.

Speaking of soccer, here is a touching article about young hands that toil long hours to make those balls, never getting a chance to play with them but only ending up with untreated wounds.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, whose gonna tell that to these kids, who have to trade their childhood away for a livelihood because they were born in poverty?

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