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How to recover a lost Windows password

If you are faced with a situation where in you inadvertently forgot your XP password or as in my case the toddler playing games on the pc manages to change it then this website is the answer to your prayers.
They recover the passwords for you for free if you are ready to wait for 48 hrs. If you want it earlier then you are charged a fee to reveal them immediately. I was skeptical but I thought might as well give it a shot before trying other options and must say they did come through.

Login Recovery is a service to reveal user names and recover passwords for Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003 and Longhorn. As long as you have physical access to the computer, your passwords can be recovered

By following three simple steps, over 98.5% of passwords can be recovered within less than ten minutes. This service does not overwrite passwords, it does not write anything to the hard drive, it does not alter the computer in any way. It simply reads the encrypted passwords for processing through our servers.

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Dial a Bar code, get the Best possible Price

Comparison shopping has come a long way from scouting bargains through friends, newspapers then came the internet and now this. If you're one of the millions of consumers dreading long hours in overcrowded malls while wondering if you could've found a better deal browsing the internet from the comfort of your own home, you're not alone. As this holiday season quickly approaches, consumers can count on Frucall, (1-888-DO-FRUCALL 1-888-363-7822, a free phone-based service that automatically finds the current, best online price for any product and instantly lets you hear it from any phone, anytime, anywhere.

Frucall offers helpful features like:
-- BuyNow - Frucall's new feature enables registered users to purchase items directly from merchants that they select
-- Bookmarks - Save and revisit previously looked up items for additional information whenever you want
-- Search History - Create a record of all previously searched items
-- Voice Notes - Easily leave voice reminders about a wish list, an upcoming sale or the location of a favorite item
-- Reminder Messages - Send short texts - at any date or time - as a reminder of shopping ideas, appointments, birthdays, anniversaries or meetings
-- Alerts - Be reminded when a product you have been shopping for reaches a certain price
-- Personal Greetings - For fun, record a personalized greeting that will be heard every time Frucall is visited for on the spot shopping assistance (via)

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Using Xp to create a secure password

After my post on passwords came across a post from Digital Inpiration which points to some
Tips from Microsoft Windows XP Inside Out

One of which is to create a random secure password:

If you want to create a randomly generated secure password, open a Command Prompt window and type this command:

net user administrator /random

Windows displays the new password it creates. Be sure to write it down and store it in a safe place.

Have fun!

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Khosla ka Ghosla : Thumbs up

I have been posting fewer posts recenty and that's because I could not simply find time to write. So coming out of this slump is a movie review.
Khosla ka Ghosla turned out to be more than expected. While the promos suggested it would be not be a typical run of the mill Hindi movie, it far surpassed expectations. The characters were very well developed and the Delhi background was done just right. Anupam Kher is always good playing the harassed middle class gentleman right from his Saraansh days. And the rest of the cast have ably supported him.
But the guy who has made it a habit of getting under the skin of characters is once again Lucky Singh oops Khurana sorry Boman Irani.

The story of land grabbing builders occupying properties purchased by unsuspecting middle class owners and then making them run around to get it back seems very familiar. In fact up until that point you are not even sure which way the film is going and you are half worried it's going to be one of the arty movies that depict 'reality' making the audience squirm in their seats coz you did not come to see this. You get that in your backyard right?

Wrong thats where the movie redeems itself. Things are running along smooth and the soundtrack keeps up with the light mood right until Kher lands in jail. That's because his younger son Bunty(Ranvir Shorey) hired the local pehelwans to vacate the the hired goons of the builder. But before they can savor their winnings the cops come knocking on the door taking Khosla straight to jail because obviously the corrupt cops and the builder are hand in glove and Khosla cannot do anything about it.
Then you wonder oh no is this another fight the corrupt system kindda movie or pathetic India tragedy. Not for long because Khosla's disinterested elder IT son 'Cherry' -short for Chiraunjilal (what a name a point higlighted by his agent) who already had plans to fly to NY for his new job ropes in his agent who is getting his visa done.
As luck would have it his agent Asif Iqbal (played well by Vinay Pathak) has a past score to settle with Khurana and so the two along with the Cherry's theatre girlfriend Meghna (Tara Sharma ) and her Bapu(Navin Nischol) set out to scam the scammers. How they go about pulling that off is the plot. While the movie drags for a bit it is pulled back together and ends on a feel good note. Overall a Thumbs up!

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How to Use Google to search for Mp3s

Well, the year was 2000 and Napster was king. And since then we all have graduated to either using Bittorrent or Kazaa or some other search tool.

So the question is have you ever thought of using Google to search for mp3s?

According to Marc and Angel you can turn Google into Napster 2000 using the following operators and keywords say if you are searching for "Savage Garden":

-inurl:(htmhtmlphp) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(wmamp3) "Savage Garden"

Well if you do not have the patience or are not tech savvy, you could also use some other hacks that have been around such as :




Happy searching!

(via Lifehacker)

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How to select the best seats on your flight

There were days when you had to have some one who was a frequent-flier or a travel agent who could tell you what were the best seats to pick up on a flight of an airline.

Well you don't need those friends anymore because you can select the best seats yourself.

Any airline, any aircraft courtesy of Seat Guru( Check out the seats below on a British Airways Boeing 747 below:

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AJAX : The top ten list

We all have seen the rich creative interactive web applications developed in AJAX (short for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) especially since Google showcased it in Google Maps, Gmail and Google Suggest.

Dan Grossman has put forth a list of top 10 Ajax applications:

1. Kiko. A general purpose online calendar.

2. Backbase’s RSS Reader.

3. Backpack. To do list organizer and simple project management application which includes email and mobile reminders.

4. Writely. Online word processor.

5. Amazon Zuggest. Francis Shanahan’s version of Google Suggest–but for Amazon.

6. TimeTracker. Personal time management tool.

7. Director. Rich UI for managing your links.

8. Backbase’s Information Portal. A highly interactive aggregation page.

9. Protopage. Another twist on an information portal.

10. Periodic Table of the Elements.

I can't say I agree totally with all of these because I am sure there are applications out there as good or may be even better that did not make the list, what do you think?

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After outsourcing it's Crowdsourcing

Remember outsourcing? Sending jobs to India and China is so 2003. The new pool of cheap labor: everyday people using their spare cycles to create content, solve problems, even do corporate R & D.

According to wikipedia :
"Crowdsourcing" is a term coined by Wired magazine writer Jeff Howe and editor Mark Robinson in June 2006. It describes a business model akin to outsourcing, but relying upon unpaid or low-paid amateurs who use their spare time to create content, solve problems, or even do corporate R&D. Crowds targeted for crowdsourcing include garage scientists, amateur videographers, freelancers, photo enthusiasts, data companies, writers, smart mobs and the electronic herd.

Types of crowdsourced work :

  • Procter & Gamble employs more than 9000 scientists and researchers in corporate R&D and still have many problems they can't solve. They now post these on a website called InnoCentive, offering large cash rewards to more than 90,000 'solvers' who make up this network of backyard scientists. P&G also works with NineSigma, YourEncore and Yet2.

  • Amazon Mechanical Turk co-ordinates the use of human intelligence to perform tasks which computers are unable to do.

  • YRUHRN used Amazon Mechanical Turk and other means of crowdsourcing to compile content for a book published just 30 days after the project was started.
    iStockphoto is a website with over 22,000 amateur photographers who upload and distribute stock photographs. Because it does not have the same margins as a professional outfit like Getty Images it is able to sell photos for a low price. It was recently purchased by Getty Images.

  • A Swarm of Angels is a Cinema 2.0 project to utilize a swarm of subscribers (Angels) to help fund, make, contribute, and distribute, a £1 million feature film using the Internet and all digital technologies. It aims to recruit earlier development community members with the right expertise into paid project members, film crew, and production staff.

For more on this check out The Rise of Crowdsourcing

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October's scary video

This Thriller inspired video was featured on Oct 3rd by yahoo tv's

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Google announced today that their specially designed gadgets can be added to any webpage. Google Gadgets were locked into Google Personalized Home and Google Desktop, but now with the breakout of the gadgets, websites are sure to get some nice dynamic and rich content additions.

This is the link to the Google Gadget API via Downloadsquad.

The universal gadgets support HTML, JavaScript, generated HTML (e.g. PHP, Perl, Java, ASP) and the desktop gadgets JavaScript, C, C++, C#, and/or VB.Net. So depending upon whether you want the gadget to work offline or just online you have a choice.

Hopefully we can find better online webages with this news.

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