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Top ten open source apps for Windows

Lifehacker has a list of the top 10 open source windows apps
They are :

  1. Mozilla Firefox (Web browser)

    Open source web browser.

  2. Mozilla Thunderbird (Email client)
    Mozilla's free email client.

  3. Open Office (Office suite)

    Open Office is a free alternative to M$ Office for students, freelancers and poor people just wanting to save their spreadsheet as an .xls.

  4. Gaim (Instant messenger)

    Chat on any service you'd like - AIM, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN, Jabber, ICQ - with this multi-platform, tabbed IM client.

  5. ClamWin (Antivirus)

    ClamWin is free anti-virus software with automatic updates and scheduled scans, no credit card required.

  6. VLC Media Player (Audio/video player)

    VLC the alternative to Windows Media Player or Quicktime.

  7. KeePass (Password manager)

    Keeps track of all of your passwords.

  8. Cygwin (Unix command line emulator)

    That DOS command line just doesn't cut it. Wanna turn into a CLI ninja on your PC? You need Cygwin.

  9. Eraser (Data deletion utility)

    Helps your erase the data on your hard drive before you trash/sell/donate it.

  10. TrueCrypt (File encryption utility)

  11. Tags : , ,

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